Just Say YES

YES- Beach sand“Whenever God asks you to do something for Him, just say YES,” my mentor and bible teacher always used to say. “If you say no, God will find someone else!!” Would you want Him to find someone else?” she would ask. I remember I would just smile at her and I do not remember ever giving her a response but the truth is that I deeply desire to say yes to Him whenever He calls.

I visited a church recently and that morning it became apparent that the Pastor would not be able to make it for church due to an emergency and unfortunately that meant he would not be available to preach as had been planned. Later that morning,  a church member got up to share the message and mentioned how she was always ready to take a sermon in case anyone asked her to and so when she was asked to step in without prior notice, she just said YES.

As we made our way back home that day, I couldn’t help but wonder if I would have been able to share my faith so eloquently at such short notice had I been asked. Would you? 1 Peter 3:15 urges us to be ready to give an answer for the hope that is within us. I often say I cannot live without God. Surely I should be able to share why, should anyone ask!!

My sister and I contemplated on the message and what a blessing it had been. We imagined what could have happened if she hadn’t been willing to share God’s word. Some of the scenarios that we imagined were quite funny and I must admit  we laughed our lungs out as we deliberated some of them. We were grateful that God had sent a blessing through  this lady and that she had been willing to say YES.

Dear Heavenly Father, please help me to hear Your voice and give me the courage to JUST SAY YES to you, whenever You call. Amen.

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